Harrison House Books

Showing 1 to 36 of 588 items

Cuando sus seres queridos están en el camino equivocado, es posible que se sienta desesperado y derrotado. Ya sea que estén luchando contra la adicción, estilos de vida destructivos o...



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Learn to Discern So You Won't Be Deceived! Never before has culture had a greater need for clear, prophetic insight, while never before has so much prophetic error and controversy...



Supernatural Help and Hope for Those Who Need God’s Rescue When those you love are on the wrong path, you may feel hopeless and defeated. Whether they struggle with addictions...


"...And He Will Give You Another Helper…"John 14:16 AMP When faced with life's difficulties, do you long for a personal coach to guide you? Do you feel inadequate, even powerless...


Pursue God's Dreams for Your Life Have you ever dreamed of your future but wonder how to make those dreams a reality? Are you seeking God’s plan for your life...


Your Prescription for Health and Healing Untold millions daily confront the agony of debilitating symptoms, chronic pain, even terminal disease. Do you―or someone you love―suffer with sickness? You can be...


Our journey was spiritual and yet so solid and concrete, with showers of rain and branches scratching our faces. It started out from the hub of Christianity, the tomb of...


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Jesus Wants You Healed and Made Whole!  There is nothing in the heart or the will of God that wants you to stay sick or in pain. He doesn’t use...


Your Best Days Are Yet to Come! In this captivating book, The Paradise of God, you will discover what the Bible says about creation and the role of the Church from...


On April 20th, 1999, Billy Epperhart was taking a break to go fishing. That's when he received the call that two students had opened fire at Columbine High School. As...


You're One Thought Away from a Revolutionized Life Do you feel stuck? Are you trapped doing the same things over and over? Are you tired of not getting that promotion,...


Jesus' Peace Prevails over Every Storm When trouble comes, it can turn your world upside down. It can feel like everywhere you look a problem stares you down and another...


The second book in our children’s series. GOD CARES ABOUT THE THINGS WHICH CONCERN US, EVEN THE LITTLE THINGS. When Hannah lost her favorite shoe during a family beach vacation...


You Can Walk in God's Favor! We serve a God who can do abundantly beyond all we could ever ask or think. But often we don’t see the effect of this in...


Deploying God's Angelic Army In the realm of the spirit, invisible forces contend over the will of God for your life, but you are not alone in this fight. Warrior...


In this book, author Daphne Delay teaches the simple, yet in-depth richness of our righteousness in Christ. She also shares the valuable lesson that she learned in front of her...


Is it really God's will for you to be healed? As a born-again believer, you've got to be sure. One day your life may depend on it. Let Gloria Copeland...


Jesus: Who He is, What He Did, and Why it Matters. Who is Jesus? Why is his crucifixion such a big deal to Christians? And what difference does any of...


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A Christmas Gift That Will Keep on Giving—Liberty!We live in a world full of people who limit themselves because they erroneously believe their past is more powerful than their future....


Description: "Good Man, Great Family is a compelling and timely book that will challenge every man who reads it to climb to higher plateaus." (Bishop Marcus Lamb, founder, Daystar Television Network)...


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What Are Apostles and Prophetsand What Is Their Critical Role in an End-Times Church? These ministry gifts did not pass away with the last of Jesus’ disciples. Christ gave them to the Church...


Here’s the Power to Live Your Christian Life!The last thing Jesus said before He left this earth was that it was better for Him to go so the Holy Spirit could come. Why...


Some important questions everyone asks at some time in their life are: "Why am I here?" "Why was I born?" "What is God's purpose for my life?" "Why do I...


Guaranteeing the Devil's Defeat! Unseen forces and hindrances―fear, failure, sickness, trauma, guilt, and more often try to stand in your way. These destructive enemies play keep-away with God's best for...


The book of Proverbs was written for two groups of people: those who know they need wisdom and those who don't. Whichever category you fall into, the road map to...


There's More to This StoryThan You've Been Told Is there more about the story of Christmas you wish you understood or that you have specific questions about? In this storybook...


Some important questions everyone asks at some time in their life are: "Why am I here?" "Why was I born?" "What is God's purpose for my life?" "Why do I...


What's in your pocket? Briefcases, purses, wallets, and back pockets…each one of us has a set amount of space to carry our daily necessities. Every day that space is crammed...


Description: Prosperity, grace, righteousness, honor, faith, covenant. You?ll find Kenneth Copeland?s personal study notes on all these topics in the Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition Bible! Choose black or burgundy top-grain...


God has called YOU to be an agent of cultural change! America is experiencing a cultural revolution. Against the onslaught of conflicting political agendas, powerful media pressures, and radical ideologies,...


"Blood dripped from my arm, cold rain pelted my face. I stood bewildered in the middle of the street. As I shivered in fright, I realized I went to Hell,...


You Don't Have to Stay Broken What do you do when tragedy strikes? When you've been abused or traumatized, how do you heal? When everything seems lost, how do you...


Prayers That Impact Heaven and Shake Earth Do you want to pray powerful prayers that get results? Do you want to partner with God for victory over challenges? Do you...
